The Rector is the head of the academy. She is the chairman of the Rectorate and determines its guidelines. The rector also acts as Chair of the Senate. She maintains order at the academy, has the right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access and represents the academy externally.
The following belong to the Rectorate of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB):
Agnes Wegner, Rector
Prof. Torsten Hattenkerl, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Artistic Practice
Prof. Kerstin Drechsel, Vice Rector for Academy Development and Research
Uwe Wellmann, Acting Chancellor
Office of the Rector:
Silke Börner
Office of the Chancellor:
Isabell Reckling
In accordance with the law regarding the freedom of higher education institutions in the Free State of Saxony, the Senate as the central committee of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) is responsible in particular for the academic affairs of the academy.
The Senate is made up of 13 members with voting rights. The members with voting rights (Senators) are elected representatives of each member group. The members of the Rectorate, the Executive Professor and the Equal Opportunities Officer belong to the Senate in an advisory capacity. They have the right to speak and table motions. The Rector acts as Chair in the Senate.
Members with voting rights:
Prof. Joachim Blank, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Markus Dreßen, Specialist subject Book Design/Graphic Design
André Grau, Specialist subject Book Design/Graphic Design
Prof. Christin Lahr, Specialist subject Media Art
Anselm Hötte, AV-laboratories
Frances Kind, Referentin der Fachgebiete, International contacts
Prof. Annette Kisling, Specialist subject Photography
Mirko Lehmberg, Photography
Prof. Maureen Mooren, Specialist subject Book Design/Graphic Design
Prof. Michael Riedel, Specialist subject Painting/Printmaking
Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer, Fachgebiet Medienkunst
Marie Charlotte Elsner, student
Jannes F. Bosch, student
Advisory members:
Agnes Wegner, Rector
Prof. Torsten Hattenkerl, Vice Rector
Prof. Kerstin Drechsel, Vice Rector
Uwe Wellmann, Acting Chancellor
Prof. Christian Weihrauch, Executive Professor
Anne Speier, Equal Opportunities Officer/ Ilse Lafer, Vice Equal Opportunities Officer
Extended Senate
The extended Senate is responsible for the election and deselection of the Rector and for the passing of the resolution on the constitution and amendments to the constitution (Article 81a Paragraph 2 of the Saxon Higher Education Act (SächsHSG)).
The extended Senate is made up of 27 voting representatives from the member groups. The members of the Rectorate, the Executive Professor and the Equal Opportunities Officer belong to the extended Senate in an advisory capacity. They have the right to speak and table motions. The Rector acts as Chair in the extended Senate.
Members with voting rights:
Prof. Maureen Mooren, Specialist subject Book Art/Graphic Design
Prof. Markus Dreßen, Specialist subject Book Art/Graphic Design
Prof. Clemens Wedemeyer, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Christin Lahr, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Joachim Blank, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Annette Kisling, Specialist subject Photography
Prof. Beatrice v. Bismarck, Specialist subject Theory
Prof. Oliver Kossack, Specialist subject Painting/Graphic Art
Prof. Torsten Hattenkerl, Specialist subject Photography
Prof. Mitra Wakil, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Tina Bara, Specialist subject Photography
Prof. Fabian Hesse, Specialist subject Media Art
Prof. Christoph Feist, Specialist subject Book Art/Graphic Design
Anselm Hötte, Member of staff AV-Lab
André Grau, Member of artistic staff Book Design/Graphic Design
Malin Gewinner, Member of artistic staff Book Design/Graphic Design
Katja Schwalenberg, Member of artistic staff Illustration
Isabell Reckling, Employee SG Organisation
Stephanie Marx, Technical Workshop Manager Woodcut
Mirko Lehmberg, Photography Workshop
Frances Kind, International Office
Julia Anne Steinhardt, student
Angelos Lakouras Hess, student
Maria Kremer, student
Advisory members
Agnes Wegner, Rector
Prof. Torsten Hattenkerl, Vice Rector
Prof. Kerstin Drechsel, Vice Rector
Uwe Wellmann, Acting Chancellor
Prof. Christian Weihrauch, Executive Professor
Anne Speier, Equal Opportunities Officer/ Ilse Lafer, Vice Equal Opportunities Officer
The Senate elects through the proposal of the Executive Professor one of the Professors belonging to the academy as the Chairperson of the study commission and their deputy. The Chairperson of the study commission is the representative of the Executive Professor for all study matters. The study commission advises the Executive Professor in the organisation of the teaching and academic programme. It must be consulted before the creation and amendment of the study and examination regulations. With regard to its tasks it possesses a right of initiative in the Senate. Its resolutions for the organisation of the teaching and academic programme are binding, provided the Senate does not rule otherwise with a majority of two thirds of its members.
The study commission is made up of ten members, of which five are teachers and five are students. In the composition of the teachers and students an equal representation of all courses of study is to be guaranteed.
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Meyer-Krahmer (Chair)
Prof. Mitra Wakil (Deputy Chair)
Prof. Christoph Feist
Prof. Steven Black
Felix Pacholleck (Photography)
Jule Oberg (Book Design/Graphic Design)
Naima Amrain (Painting/Printmaking)
Luki Haak (Photography)
Lucia Charlotte Ott (Media Art)
Prof. Christian Weihrauch (chairman)
Prof. Ines Schaber (vice chairman)
Prof. Joachim Blank
Prof. Maureen Mooren
Prof. Anne Speier
Substitute representatives (if a member is unable to attend)
Prof. Annette Kisling
Prof. Isabel Lewis
Prof. Stephan Müller
The Senate appoints Dr. Stefan Weppelmann as external assessor and Prof. Oliver Kossack as assessor according to § 6 para. 5 no. 3 PrüfO-Meisterschüler*innen for the final examinations in the Meisterschüler*innen program.
In accordance with the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act (Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz) the academy council is one of the central organs of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB). It provides recommendations for profile development and improvement of the performance and competitive capability of the academy taking into account the development planning of the Free State and the target agreements (Article 10 of the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act – SächsHSFG).
The academy council is in particular responsible for the- drawing up of a proposal for the election of the Rector,
- application to the extended Senate for the deselection of the Rector,
- confirmation of the deselection of the Rector by the extended Senate,
- granting of the agreement to the proposal of the Rector for the appointment o the Chancellor,
- approval of the development planning of the academy,
- approval of the draft of the economic plan,
- formulation of principles for the use of employees and funds and the use of reserves (in accordance with Article 11 of the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act – SächsHSFG),
- approval of the annual accounts,
- relief of the Rectorate,
- creation of a statement on the annual report of the Rectorate (in accordance with Article 10 of the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act – SächsHSFG),
- creation of a statement before the conclusion of target agreements.
It can provide an opinion on the setting up, significant change and abolition of courses of study.
The academy council of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) consists of five members. Two of which are members of staff at the academy.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Scherer (chairman), until 2022 Director of the House of the Cultures of the World (Haus der Kulturen der Welt) Berlin
Hilke Wagner (vice chairwoman), Director of the Albertinum of the Dresden State Art Collections
Steffen Hildebrand, Entrepreneur (Hildebrand & Partner), collector, Managing Director of G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck, Professor of Art History and Visual Science
Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer, Professor of Media Art
Office of the Academy Council:
Isabell Reckling
The Executive Professor is elected through a proposal of the Rectorate by the Senate from the professors of the academy. They are responsible for the tasks of a Dean. As the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) has a structure whereby the executive professors are responsible for all courses of study and attaches importance to the highest possible interchange between the courses of study, the Executive Professor is responsible for the entire academic sector of the academy, with the exception of the Institute of Theory. The Executive Professor is supported in their duties by three deputies.
Prof. Christian Weihrauch, Executive Professor, Specialist subject Painting/Graphic Art
Prof. Tina Bara, Deputy Executive Professor, Specialist subject Photography
Prof. Thomas Matthaeus Müller, Deputy Executive Professor, Specialist subject Painting/Graphic Art
Prof. Fabian Hesse, Deputy Executive Professor, Specialist subject Media Art
Department Budget and Procurement
The department supports the institutions of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) in many tasks involving financial processes, the procurement of materials, equipment and furniture as well as many services.
Head of the department: Nancy Rauh
Organisation/internal services department
The department is responsible for securing the operating capability of the buildings and domestic service facilities, the management of the properties and for all matters of building design and building coordination.
Head of the department: Uwe Wellmann
Personnel department
The department is responsible for the entire personnel/job administration and the management of the human resources of the academy. Alongside the employment relationships of the academy teachers and employees, it also processes the contracts for teachers, student and academic/artistic assistants and models.
Head of the department: Monika Lange
Study matters department
The department is the point of contact for queries regarding applications, admissions and enrolment as well as individual and general study questions and examination matters at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB). It is responsible for general study advice and for the student and examination administration of all courses of study offered by the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB).
Head of the department: Roswita Harmel
Office hours:
Mon 09:30-12:30
Tues + Thurs 13:30-15:30
Office of the Specialist Subjects
The office is responsible for the organisation of the academic programme at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB). It assists the specialist subjects and institutions in dealing with key tasks in teaching and study.
Head of the Office of the Specialist Subjects: Frances Kind
International matters
The Head of the specialist subjects is also the contact person for international projects and cooperation. They support students and employees of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) who would like to spend time abroad as part of their study or teaching, as well as international guests, in particular as part of the Erasmus Programme.
International contacts: Frances Kind
Public relations and quality management
The public relations department of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) is responsible for media work (public relations, events calendar, online editing of the website of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB), Corporate Publishing, Social Media channels of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB), marketing activities, event organisation and the Alumni network, cooperation and for quality management matters.
Employee of the Rectorate for public relations and quality management, transfer issues, cooperation and partnerships: Meike Giebeler
The Student Council is the representative body of all students of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB). In case of questions or problems concerning studies or academy life, the student council is a helpful contact person. The Student Council acts as a mediator between the interests of the students on the one hand, and the organs of the academy on the other. The Stura can also be a direct point of contact for suggestions on how to improve everyday life at the university or teaching. The members of the Stura divide the work among themselves.
Elected candidates of the Student Council (as of October 2023):
Marie-Charlotte Elsner, Maria Kremer, Konstantina Stefou, Carla Maruscha Fellenz, Anna Marie Lutz, Leonard Siegwardt
>>> Website of the student council:
Regulations for the Audit of the Annual Accounts of the Student Council (PDF document)
Election Terms (only available in german)
Total number of students and their distribution per study program
Students total without ERASMUS-students and with AtA-studentes (diploma+Meisterschüler*innen postgraduate program) in WiSe 2023/24 at HGB Leipzig: 599of these in the degree program book design/graphic design: 131
of these in the degree program photography: 135
of these in the degree program painting/printmaking: 150
of these in the degree program media art: 153
of these in the graduate program Cultures of the Curatorial: 30
Number of students in the WiSe 2023/24 first semester per degree program
Book design/graphic design: 15 (+1 Meisterschüler*innen)Photography: 10 (+ 2 Meisterschüler*innen)
Painting/printmaking: 17 (+ 8 Meisterschüler*innen)
Media art: 10 (+ 6 Meisterschüler*innen)
Cultures of the Curatorial: 16
Number of professorships, visiting, junior and honorary professorships, lecturers
Professors: 29Substitute professors: 2
Junior professors: 1
Lecturers (Status SoSe 2022): 87
Honorary professorships: 2
Number of scientific/artistic employees
Scientific/artistic employees: 32Teachers for special tasks: 4