The HGB archive fulfils both the statutory functions of a university archive and houses a collection of works that have resulted from the artistic and scientific teachings at the Academy. It also stores some of the bequests made by notable people connected with the Academy as well as the remains of former teaching aids. A large part of the archive is made up of photography projects and Diplom theses completed between 1955 and 1990.
The archive offers an excellent basis for researching the Academy’s history, and – by contributing to exhibitions – it helps showcase the institution’s cultural heritage. The archive stock is at the students’ and lecturers’ disposal for research and teaching purposes. The HGB archive is a member of the German Association of Archivists Verband deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e.V.
Stock (selection):
Matriculation registers from 1937 onwards
Personal files of former lecturers and staff
Student files from 1945 onwards
Vice-Chancellor files from 1950 onwards (incomplete)
Books (university prints and Diplom theses)
Photography projects and Diplom theses
Surviving files from before 1945 are archived at the State Archives of Saxony.