The Saxony Rectors' Conference (LRK) welcomes the core statements of the 2024 to 2029 coalition agreement between the CDU and SPD on "Science, Universities, Research" as a solid basis for further development. With the aim of further strengthening Saxony as an international centre of science and innovation, the coalition partners guarantee the freedom of science, research, art and teaching and provide minimum financial security for universities via the 2025 to 2032 grant agreement.
On the occasion of the upcoming government formation in Saxony, the LRK reminds us that Saxony's universities stand for excellent education, support for the economy, culture and innovation in their respective regions, but also well beyond that in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
"The universities in the Saxony Rectors' Conference are aware of the challenges of the coming years and therefore support the concept of an effective and future-orientated state government. More than ever, a functioning higher education landscape with excellent teaching and research is essential for economic strength and thus for prosperity in Saxony," said Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Chairman of the State Rectors' Conference.
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