Honorarprofessor an der Dualen Hochschule Sachsen und seit 2002 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der HGB Leipzig.
Curriculum Vitae
1980–84 Studium Mathematik/Physik an der Universität Leipzig
1984–88 Forschungsstudium an der Universität Leipzig; Promotion in Mathematik
1988–93 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Leipzig an den Sektionen/Fakultäten Mathematik bzw. Informatik
1993–98 wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Informatik der Universität Leipzig; Habilitation auf dem Gebiet der Informatik
1998–02 wissenschaftlicher Oberassistent am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Leipzig
2000-01 Gastwissenschaftler an Mathematical Science Research Institute Berkeley und University of California at Berkeley
Ausgewählte Publikationen / Selected publications
Monographien und Buchbeiträge / Monographs and book contributions
- Gröbnerbasen in nichtkommutativen Algebren und ihre Anwendung. PhD Thesis, University of Leipzig, 1988.
- An Extension of Buchberger's Algorithm and Calculations in Enveloping Fields of Lie Algebras. In: Computational Aspects of Commutative Algebra, Ed. L. Robbiano, Academic Press, London, 1989. (with W. Laßner)
- Das Computeralgebrasystem FELIX. In: Computeralgebra in Deutschland, Herausgegeben von der FG Computeralgebra der GI, DMV, GAMM, 1993. (with U. Klaus)
- Zu Berechenbarkeitsfragen der Idealtheorie. Habilitation Thesis, University of Leipzig, 1998.
- Co-author of several parts of the Computer Algebra Handbook, Ed. Grabmeier, Kaltofen, Weispfenning. Springer, 2002.
Zeitschriftenartikel / journal publications
- Classification of three-dimensional covariant differential calculi on Podles' quantum spheres and on related spaces. Letters in Mathematical Physics 32, 25-36, 1994. (with K. Schmüdgen)
- The Theory of Involutive Divisions and an Application to Hilbert Function Computations. Journal of Symbolic Computation 25, 683-704, 1998.
- Computational ideal theory in finitely generated extension rings. Theoretical Computer Science 244/1-2, 1-33, 2000.
- On a Conjecture of R. P. Stanley; Part I - Monomial Ideals & Part II - Quotients Modulo Monomial Ideals. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 17, 39-74, 2003.
- Computational model of mesoscopic structure of concrete for simulation of fracture processes. Computers & Structures 85(17), 1293-1303, 2007. (with J.P.B. Leite and V. Slowik)
Konferenzbeiträge / Conference contributions
- An Algorithm for Calculations in Enveloping Fields of Lie Algebras. International Conference on Computational Algebra and its Application in Theoretical Physics, Dubna, 1985. (with W. Laßner)
- A relationship between Gröbner bases of ideals and vector modules of G-algebras. International Conference on Algebra Dedicated to the Memory of A. I. Malcev, Novosibirsk, 1989.
- FELIX - An Assistant for Algebraists. International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), Bonn, 1991. (with U. Klaus)
- The Computation of Gröbner Bases Using an Alternative Algorithm. Workshop on Symbolic Rewriting Techniques, Ascona, 1995.
- Division of entire functions by polynomial ideals. International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC), Paris, 1995.