After successfully completing the basic courses, the woodcut workshop enables specialist students and master students to work together. In the dialog between the students, mutual artistic correction and professional support takes place in woodcut, wood engraving and special letterpress forms, as well as in reproduction in printing by hand and on the press.
Courses offered
- Basic course 1 & Basic course 2,
- Tue. Basic course 2, specialising in painting/graphics, all day, max. 6 places,
- Wed. basic course 2, specialising in book art/graphic design, all day, max. 3 places,
- Wed. basic course 1, interdisciplinary until 12.30 pm, max. 5 places
including 4 toggle presses.
Number of student workstations
Questions and answers
What conditions, prerequisites, skills and knowledge are required to work in the workshop?
You must have completed the basic woodcut course.
Which materials are provided and which should I bring myself?
Materials are provided for samples, for free work you must bring your own materials.