The staff council represents the interests of all employees at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB), this includes employees and civil servants along with all academic and student assistants. The tasks, duties and rights of the staff council are regulated in Articles 71 to 87 of the Saxon Staff Representation Act (SächsPersVG).
The staff council takes action in the following cases:
- if it has to be involved through the department in accordance with Articles 71 cont. of the Saxon Staff Representation Act (SächsPersVG)
- as part of its right of initiative in accordance with Article 83 of the Saxon Staff Representation Act (SächsPersVG) towards the department
- in order to support employees of the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) in specific individual situations, e.g.
- request measures which serve their internal, social or personal interests;
- ensure that the applicable laws, regulations and agreements are observed and implemented;
- act as a link between employees and the department.
In accordance with Articles 71 cont. the staff council has rights of co-determination, participation and consultation and is responsible for the task of co-determination in personnel and social matters. This includes, among other issues:
- appointment, grouping, assignment to pay grade scales in accordance with Article 28 Paragraph 1 of the Saxon Remuneration Act 1 (Sächsisches Besoldungsgesetz), or where a claim exists in accordance with provisions under collective bargaining law;
- granting of a function which is to be graded higher or lower, upgrading or downgrading;
- promotion, granting of another position with a higher final basic salary without a change to the description of the position, granting of another position with a different description of the position when changing category, changing category, change of the specialist focus within the same category;
- complete or partial prohibition of a second job;
- rejection of an application for
a) part-time employment or the granting of special leave on family grounds waiving the continued payment of remuneration in accordance with provisions under collective bargaining law or
b) part-time employment, reduction of the regular working hours or holiday without remuneration in accordance with civil service law provisions; - dismissal;
- workplace design and the creation of social compensation plans;
- regulation of the organisation of the department and the behaviour of the employees;
- social matters in accordance with Article 81 Paragraph 1 of the Saxon Staff Representation Act (Sächs-PersVG).
- performance-related delay in the pay grade increase in accordance with Article 27 Paragraph 3 of the Saxon Remuneration Act (Sächsisches Besoldungsgesetz);
- transfer from and to another department, transfer within the department if it is associated with a change of the place of work (the catchment area within the meaning of the Law on Relocation Expenses - Umzugskostenrecht pertains to the place of work);
- secondment for a duration of more than six months;
- assignment or the provision of personnel for a duration of more than three months;
- temporary suspension from duty, retention of remuneration and initiation of disciplinary proceedings;
- dismissal of probationary civil servants or civil servants in training or in the event of dismissal from a public training relationship, if the dismissal has not been requested by the employee;
- early retirement and reduction of working hours due to restricted ability to work;
- the assertion of claims for compensation against an employee;
- in the provision of financial support, advances, loans and corresponding social benefits.