Book design/Graphic design

The field of graphic design has expanded drastically. Before desktop publishing, a designer was just one of several experts involved in a complex process, whereas now, a designer has many processes to handle. His role has developed from specialist to all-rounder, from creator to producer. The end products of each design process are also changing: away from a printed artefact and towards an electronically generated image. The degree course at the HGB can look back on a rich tradition, and the programme cultivates it as living heritage. An important constant is an intense involvement with different production processes and reproduction techniques. At the HGB, Graphic Design is understood as a comprehensive training that goes beyond the supposed limits of the subject, yet leaves room for qualified and focussed work. The foundational course includes the principles of typography, nature studies and drawing as well as graphic and typeface design. In the main studies, the students decide between one of four specialist classes: Illustration, Typography, Type Design or System Design. Practical experimentation in the superbly equipped workshops is accompanied by seminars about theoretical backgrounds of visual culture.

Selected works
Auslage, die
Auslage, die
Kyra Winkler
Will update soon
Exhibition poster for Kevin Bray
A big and white tabletop is lying on the corner of a room, facing forward. On the plate, black foils of graphics and types are attached.
I hope this finds you well
Emil Kowalczky, Sohyeon Lee, Merle Petsch
Will update soon
It's a book stage
Lukas Weber, Hagen Tanneberger
Scans of a printed matter in A4, with a white fold out cover containing letters from the students and a colored interior with differently layouted conversation pieces.
Portait of a class
Conversation pieces of students from Systemdesign class about self-marketing, cultural responsibilities and the design education form a portrait of the class. A4 on Clairfontaine Color Trophée 120g/qm. Supervised by Claudia Doms.
Will update soon
Preserving my favorite shirt
Emil Feinweber
Will update soon
Relationships-FIDE Wiki
Thinking Loud
Thinking Loud
Barbara Galizia
Will update soon
Kamilia Galimova
VEB Typoart Exhibition
VEB Typoart Exhibition
IfBk (2021) Riso-Exhibitiondesign
Will update soon
We have such problems defining it
Helena's Part of 'Portrait of a class'
Heléna Silva
Will update soon
Merle Petsch
Follow the Colour
Follow the Colour
Anna Breit, Babara Galizia
Will update soon
Pandemic Archive
Emil Kowalczyk
Will update soon
State of introversion
Embroidered flag
Sören Sandbothe
Will update soon
This is a contribution to the systemdesign class newspaper that was printed in the W/S, where the matter of the language used towards the female athletes have been observed, and refined to highlight some of the comments that are used to expose what that words would mean if they were used towards male athletes.
350×500mm, 4pages
Eine andere Gattung. Über parasitäres Verhalten im Großen und im Kleinen
Eine andere Gattung. Über parasitäres Verhalten im Großen und im Kleinen
Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
SWEN- Das gezeichnete Nachrichtenmagazin
SWEN- Das gezeichnete Nachrichtenmagazin
Ausstellung des ersten Studienjahres zum Rundgang 2018.
SWEN- Das gezeichnete Nachrichtenmagazin
SWEN- Das gezeichnete Nachrichtenmagazin
Ausstellung des ersten Studienjahres zum Rundgang 2018.
Kollektives Zeichnen: Portrait- Zeichnen im Kreis. Jede(r) führt die Hand des/ der Nächsten.
Kollektives Zeichnen: Portrait- Zeichnen im Kreis. Jede(r) führt die Hand des/ der Nächsten.
Jahrgang 2017/18