Hidden Treasures No. 2

Dr. Regine Ehleiter, Berlin art historian and curator, working for the Institute for Theory in 2021/22, deals intensively with the topic of "Artists Books" and, during a visit to the library, talks about a project by the long-time director of the MoMA Library and artist book historian Clive Phillpot in the 1970s: conceptual ("difficult") publications (which could neither be clearly defined as books nor as exhibition catalogs) are listed as works of art in their own right and are not relegated to the stacks, but presented in the open stacks: His aim was to create surprises and moments of wonder in the confrontation with the "odd pamphlets": "People using any part of the library could then become mystified or be given surprises by coming across puzzling artists' books that have been dispersed or sercreted through the collection... wonderful moments of not understanding".

Bettina Wija-Stein, head of the bookbinding workshop, will be responsible for the second selection of special titles, which are actually "hidden" in the magazine, but will be shown to the public on the occasion of the anniversary (if the condition of the collection permits):

"Treasures in the library, not secret and hidden, but accessible at all times! What endless possibilities our university offers! The artists' books in my memory miss the etchings, but they were there too. Nevertheless, the small selection is hopefully sufficient to arouse curiosity, as a stimulus and reference to history.  For example: Goethe, Three Fairy Tales was a contribution to the IBA (International Book Art Exhibition) in 1982. Teachers worked with the utmost professionalism to raise the HGB's international profile. Diplomas, often with hand typesetting and woodcuts, were technically and artistically supervised at the highest level in the workshops. Books can give pleasure, provide peace and serenity, transport us to foreign or new (pictorial) worlds, impart knowledge and/or allow us to think outside the box. Let's do it."

There will be a guided tour on 17/10, 1pm.

>>> The event is part of the annual program for the 150th anniversary of the HGB Library. More information...